Not giving up! No matter what.
You have heard this a million times, and you will probably hear it a million more. Never ever give up on yourself or your neurodivergent child or student.
Every single day I repeat to parents and educators of children with diverse needs to not to give up on them. Every single child with autism or any other diagnosis has potential to grow. We don’t know what their full potential is. They all want to grow, expand, and become the best they can. I have never met autistic child who doesn’t want to learn. Do you know any? If you do, send them my way.
Never ever give up. Every time I think of a situation that provides me to option of quitting and giving up, I think of people who didn’t give up in similar difficult situations. Don’t give up because you had a bad start to your day or week or the activity with your child is not going as expected.
Don’t give up just because other professionals told you that your child is difficult or won’t learn. Don’t give up because people around you don’t believe in you. Have faith in yourself. Be unrelenting in learning the proper skills, developing a healthy mindset and commit to being successful no matter what.