How many activities or interventions should my child do?
Many parents feel the pressure to do too much; thinking that if they do more activities, more games, more therapy, and more language support with their child, they will progress more.
I understand where this is coming from but in reality, more work and pressure doesn’t equal to more progress for your child. Here are some tips which can guide you to be more mindful when decision making for your autistic child:
1. Slow down, it is not about the quantity, but the quality. Slowing down is very hard, but we need to do that to guide a child.
2. Make room for the child to practice. As an RDI consultant, when I start to work with parents, we first look at family schedules and I give them an idea of when to practice goals. It could be a moment of mindful communication over breakfast, for example.
3. Always acknowledge, and record the positives
4. Focus on process and not the result.